David thompson thai recipes

  • David thompson thai recipes
  • Thai recipes authentic

    Vietnamese recipes.

    Thai Street Food

    Authentic Recipes, Vibrant Traditions

    David Thompson

    If Pad Thai and a comforting bowl of curry are all you know about Thai food, prepare to have your mind blown.

    Michelin-star chef, restaurateur, and cookbook author David Thompson will take you to the streets. To eat.

    David thompson thai recipes

  • Thai recipes authentic
  • Vietnamese recipes
  • Thai fried rice recipes
  • Thai recipes chicken
  • And it’s sublime.

    Should you look for this book at your local bookshop or library, it will definitely be shelved in the cookbook section. But it’s really a coffee table travelogue that also happens to feature expertly written recipes.

    A monster of a book at almost 6 pounds, the pages are packed with gorgeous photos of Thai people and dishes and ingredients in colorful Thai markets. And the writing! The prose has the urgency of a traveler who fell in love with the place but also has deep knowledge to impart.

    In short: It will make you want to travel to Thailand immediately.

    The heart of this book — and the mecca for street food in any Thai city or town — is the market: cacophonous,