Geoffrey chaucer works of prose

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    Geoffrey chaucer works of prose and art

    Chaucer: A List of His Works

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    Source: The Complete Works of Geoffrey Chaucer, edited from numerous manuscripts by the Rev. Walter W.

    Skeat (2nd ed.) (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1899). Vol. 1.


    The following list is arranged, conjecturally, in chronological order. It will be understood that much of the arrangement and some of the dates are due to guesswork; on a few points scholars are agreed.

    See further in pp. 20-91 below, &c. Of the Poems marked (a), there seem to have been two editions, (a) being the earlier. The letters and numbers appended at the end denote the metres, according to the following scheme.

    A = octosyllabic metre; B = ballad metre, in Sir Thopas; C = 4-line stanza, in the Proverbes; P = Prose.

    The following sixteen metres are original (i.

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  • e. in English); viz. 1 = 8-line stanza, ababbcbc; 1 b = the same, thrice, with refrain. 2 = 7-line stanza, ababbcc; 2 b = the sam