Phillipa fallon biography for kids

  • Phillipa fallon biography for kids
  • Biography of famous people for kids!

    Haven’t seen High School Confidential yet?

    Phillipa fallon biography for kids

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  • It’s high time you did. (Double-decker pun intended, natch!) Directed by Jack Arnold, it’s a campy, unexpectedly sharp teensploitation romp that peaks with this adrenalizing scene:

    The finger-snapping nihilist’s name was Phillipa Fallon, and that was her all-too-brief moment to shine.

    Via the ever-entertaining CONELRAD webzine:

    Approximately mid-way through the Albert Zugsmith exploitation film masterpiece High School Confidential(1958), an attractive, quasi-bohemian woman strides on stage at a coffee house and belts out a beat poem that provides a delightfully nihilistic snapshot of the Cold War—including references to the space race and atomic evacuation.

    The fact that she happens to be accompanied by Jackie Coogan (who plays a heroin kingpin in the film) on piano is, like, pure existential gravy. Predictably, the teens in the audience appear to be digging Coogan’s incongruous ragtime key work and disregard