Biography of the little rock nine timeline
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Biography of the little rock nine timeline
Little Rock Nine Timeline
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May 17, 1954
The U.S. Supreme Court rules racial segregation in the public schools is unconstitutional in Brown V.
Board of Education
May 22, 1954
The Little Rock School Board issues a policy statement saying it will comply with the Supreme Court's decision when the Court outlines the method to be followed and the time
Spring, 1957
There were 517 black students that were near Central High School that could of attended Central High.
80 people said they were interested later on 17 were chosen but then 8 decided to stay at the all black school
September 2, 1957
Governor Orval Faubus calls out the Arkansas National Guard to surround Little Rock Central High School
September 3, 1957
Judge Davies orders desegregation to start the next day
September 4, 1957
The Little Rock Nine try and go to school but are turned away by the Natinal Guard