History of ali ibn abi talib bio

  • History of ali ibn abi talib bio
  • History of ali ibn abi talib bio

  • And
  • History of ali ibn abi talib bio and wife
  • Ali ibn abi talib pronunciation
  • Hazrat ali wife
  • Hazrat ali sons and daughter
  • Ali ibn abi talib pronunciation.

    'Ali is the cousin of Prophet Muhammad i.e., the son of his paternal uncle (Abu Taalib).

    He is 'Ali ibn Abi Taalib ibn 'Abdul-Muttalib ibn Haashim ibn 'Abd-Manaaf, from the tribe of Quraysh. He was the first person to embrace Islam, according to many scholars. He was born 10 years before Muhammad was sent as a Messenger.

    He received his education at the hands of the Prophet and he never separated from him .

    He attended all the battles the Prophet attended except the Battle of Tabook, during which he stayed in Madeenah abiding by an order of the Prophet .

    He carried the flag in many battles.

    History of ali ibn abi talib bio and wife

    When the Prophet established brotherhood between every two Companions, he took the hand of 'Ali and said: "You are my brother". He was known to be very courageous and an excellent cavalier who did not know fear or cowardice.

    He was one of the six representatives who were chosen by 'Umar at his death to run the affairs of the Ummah (Muslim nation) and choose