Richard nixon biography pdf free download
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Richard Nixon
Date: May 2013 ZAMAN UNIVERSITY Name: Charadine PICH Richard Nixon The 37th president of the United States and the only “commander‐in‐chief” to resign from his presidency after the Watergate scandal.
Instructor’s Name: Mr. Sok Udom Deth HIST 102 Reconciliation was his first goal as a president. During his presidency, he succeeded ending American war in Vietnam and restore relations with the U.S.S.R and China.
Richard nixon biography pdf free download
Moreover, an accord with North Vietnam was announced in 1973 to end American involvements in Indochina. “But the Watergate scandal brought fresh divisions to the country and ultimately led to his resignation.”1 “He resigned in 1974, avoiding impeachment for covering up illegal activities of party members in the Watergate affair of the 1970s.”2 He was RICHARD NIXON, the 37th president of the United States of America.
This essay will discuss his biography, his presidency, and its controversies. Nixon was born in 1913 in California and had a brilliant record at Whi