Muntu myeza biography template

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    Muntu myeza biography template

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  • Muntu Myeza

    Muntu Myeza was born on 3 December 1950 to Jacob and Julia Myeza in Natal where he also did his early education. Myeza attended part of his senior high school education at Orlando West High School before moving back to Natal where he completed his matric at Ohlange High in Inanda.  His hobbies were boxing and soccer.

    Myeza advanced especially in boxing such that by the time he went for his university education he was the ameuter heavyweight boxing champion for the Transvaal and South Africa.

    Upon completion of his matric, Myeza enrolled at the University of Zululand to study for a law degree.

    Muntu myeza biography template pdf

    While studying he became a founder member of the Black Allied Workers Union (BAWU) in 1972, and he became in student political activities and joined the South African Students Organization (SASO). In July 1973 at the SASO General Council meeting he was elected President.

    His election came in the aftermath of the banning orders issued by the apartheid government to eight SA