Navajo code talkers dictionary pdf
Navajo code talkers ww2.
Appendix:Navajo code talkers' dictionary
From Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Names of various organizations
Organization | Word | Original transcription | Original translation | Notes |
corps | dineʼé | DIN-NEH-IH | clan | |
division | áshįįh?Navajo code talkers dictionary pdf free | ASHIH-HI | salt | |
regiment | tábąąh | TABAHA | edge water | |
battalion | second part -CHIIʼ? | TACHEENE | red soil | |
company | naakaii? | NAKIA | Mexican | |
platoon | hashtłʼishnii, hashtłʼish? | HAS-CLISH-NIH | mud | |
section | yooʼ | YO-IH | beads | |
squad | dibé łizhiní? | DEBEH-LI-ZINI | black sheep |
Names of countries
Country | Word | Original transcription | Original translation | Notes |
Africa | łizhin/zhį́ʼii? | ZHIN-NI | blackies | |
Alaska | bee + hai?Navajo code talkers dictionary pdf | BEH-HGA | with winter | |
America | nihimá | NE-HE-MAH | our mother | |
Australia | chʼah + yisdis/yisdisii? | CHA-YES-DESI | rolled hat | |
Britain | Tótaʼ? | TOH-TA | between waters | |