Cleo larue sermons on love

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    Splattered across the front doors of a trendy restaurant in Palo Alto, California, were these words: This is a bad place for a diet!

    Cleo larue sermons on love

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  • That most visible, in-your-face warning suggested to me that there are certain places where some requests are out of order and certain times where some appeals are in poor taste. No matter how noble, how worthy, how life-giving they are in and of themselves, there are certain times and certain places where it is simply unseemly to speak of some things.

    In like manner it appears to me that we could splatter across the pages of our text this day a similar warning: This is a bad place for the gospel.

    Whether one regards Acts as a bona fide historiography or simply a piece of well-crafted Hellenistic literature, the gospel in Athens comes off sounding like a bunch of misguided, out-of-place "hooey."

    Athens had seen and heard it all.

    In Paul's day, this once great and proud city was still considered the cultural and intellectual capital of t